Frequently Asked Questions
- Additional Tips for First Time Users
- Are SkinnyMe Tea products suitable for me?
- Can I drink coffee during my Teatox?
- Can I drink the teas while breastfeeding or pregnant?
- Can I still eat and exercise normally during the teatox?
- Do SMT products contain Gluten?
- Do you have a weight loss program I can follow?
- Do your prices include GST and other taxes?
- Does the Evening Cleanse affect the contraceptive pill?
- Has my order been successful?
- How can I receive a refund?
- How is the SkinnyMe Detox Program structured?
- How we are transparent?
- I have a pre-existing medical condition, are the teas suitable for me?
- Is Senna safe?
- Is SkinnyMe Tea safe longterm? How often can I do the Teatox?
- Is the SkinnyMe Detox Program in a hard copy or digital?
- Payment Methods
- Potential side effects?
- What age can I start my first Teatox?
- What are the side effects of the Evening Cleanse?
- What is your AUST L number for the Evening Cleanse?
- What to look for before buying a Teatox
- Where do I enter the discount code?
- Which diet do I choose from in the SkinnyMe Detox Program?
- Why am I constipated?
- Why is SkinnyMe Tea the safest option?
- Why Made is Australia is better?
- Will I put the weight straight back on when I stop?